
About Owner

Hello, Wayne Cao Here!

When you click on this page, I know you are not just looking for help with your taxes or books, but you are also wondering if I could help you build your wealth.

Who I am and What I Do

I am Enrolled Agent (EA) that is admitted to represent my clients, practice before and help them deal with the IRS. I have a background in Accounting, Tax Preparation, Computer Science, and Biotechnology, and I worked several years as a staff of a national tax preparation company. I have started and owned several successful businesses from restaurants, to software services, and now I am expanding to Taxes and Bookkeeping Services.

Over The Years in My Financial Career, I Found Out Why Most People Failed, and My Eager to Help!

I started V-Tax PLUS and offer tax and bookkeeping services because I know accounting, bookkeeping, and taxes are major obstacles especially for freelancers, small to mid-sized business owners, and individuals who would like to build wealth. I built this business to help them overcome their challenges.

The services my business offers are designed to keep clients on the right track, and to warn them if their business is about to take the wrong turn so that they can make more wise and informed decisions. Ultimately, I am here to guide my clients on how to increase their wealth and to maximize their cash-flow without stress.

My Values

As a tax professional, I provide tax services for small- to mid-sized businesses owners including sole proprietors, freelancers and individuals would like to become wealthy.

As an experienced and knowledgeable Enrolled Agent, I have my clients covered if they received the letters from or were audited by IRS.

My Passion to Help You Succeed

I have the knowledge and the skill to pay close attention to numbers. I can ensure profitability and minimize setbacks for my clients. This experience is the basis for my business. I offer you my passion for guiding intelligent business operation. Please feel free to call and discuss your business challenges to determine how I can help you and your business.